
How to Make a Hybrid Workplace Work

Is a combination of working from home and the office the ideal post-pandemic workplace model?

A hybrid workplace is a workforce with a significant number of onsite and remote employees. The percentage of these employees may not be 50-50; however, each group is considered significant in an organisation. A well-thought strategy is needed to create an effective hybrid workforce.

Typically, organisations already have guidelines set in place for the office employees. Such is not always the case for remote employees. Therefore, it is essential to establish specific guidelines for both onsite and remote employees. Crucial details, such as working hours, employees' compensation, equipment, and so forth, should be outlined clearly.

Policies and guidelines aside, managers also play an enormous role in a hybrid workforce. Usually, managers can supervise their team in the office – whether they are doing their job right or working on the right project. In a virtual environment, managers need to adjust their skills accordingly to lead their remote employees.

On the other hand, the outcome of Covid-19 has put an extra strain on many organisations as they switched to a remote workforce almost overnight. As such, this unprecedented situation is also a wake-up call for most organisations. Selecting the right technology solution for both onsite and remote employees will be a beneficial business strategy plan. Technology is also essential to ensure top-notch performance for a hybrid workforce.

The next factor to consider when creating a hybrid workforce is the element of communication. Through virtual communication, there are limitations that organizations need to work on without impacting productivity. Thus, having consistent contact with team members is vital for remote employees. Additionally, using an online survey tool is an easier alternative to collect information than a meeting or writing an email with the hybrid model.

The workforce is changing, and organisations need to think about ways to create an efficient hybrid workforce. Naturally, it will not be an overnight change. Guidelines, professional training, the right technology, and communication between every organisation layer are needed to transition to a hybrid work model successfully.


Establish specific guidelines for both onsite and remote employees
Managers need to adjust their skillsets
Select the right technology solution
Prioritise communication between team members