No matter how efficient you are as a manager, if you can't get your team to trust and like you, you're not going to get very far. When people genuinely like their boss, they're happier in their work and more productive.
There are three top qualities which everyone in a management position should possess.
The first is a sense of accountability. Nobody is infallible, and not owning up to your mistakes is a sure-fire way to lose the trust of your team. Strong leaders know when they are in the wrong and, more importantly, when to hold their hands up to it. If you'd expect it from those you manage, then they should be able to expect it from you in return.
The second quality is being a good listener. People need to feel they can talk to you, that they can bring you their problems – personal as well as professional. You need to let them know that your door is always open. By listening, you also keep a finger on the pulse of what's going on within the team. Sometimes conflicts arise and people need to feel they can come to you for a quiet word.
Finally, employees want a boss who gives them encouragement. Words of praise have a big impact for your colleagues. You bring out the best in them when you acknowledge a job well done. Giving encouragement might also mean offering training, if you've spotted a particular talent in an individual.
Managers need many qualities to win over their teams, but work on these three and you'll build a better relationship with those you supervise.
A good listener
Gives encouragement