
How to Make Working from Home Work

You need incredible discipline to work remotely. While many more of us have embraced working from home, some will struggle to adapt to the new arrangement.

Working from home has become much more commonplace. Despite having plenty of perks, it still has a lot of downsides such as the lack of social contact and domestic distractions. Without some strategies in place, it's all too easy to lose motivation and see your productivity levels drop. Here are five simple things you can do while you're working from home.

Firstly, set a routine. Treat going to work at home the same way you would going to work in the office, even down to dressing the part. Get up, put on some clothes, have breakfast – whatever you'd normally do to prepare, try to stick with the same pattern to train your brain into work mode.

Secondly, create a designated workspace. That way you start to separate the place you work from the place you relax. Working from the sofa may be comfy, but your brain associates that with leisure time. Try to find somewhere quiet and keep it uncluttered, to minimise the risk of distractions.

Thirdly, set boundaries for the rest of the household. It's easier said than done, but if you can teach your kids about your working hours and commitments, you'll be able to focus without distraction from them. The same goes for housemates.

Fourthly, take breaks. Working from home can mean you lose track of time, putting in extra hours or forgetting to pause during the day. Make sure you set aside some time to get up and move about, and to take lunch and tea breaks. Breaks are a chance to rest your eyes and refocus your mind, so look into a time management system such as the Pomodoro technique.

Finally, keep to-do lists. They're a great way to keep track of projects and a great motivational tool. There's always a feeling of satisfaction when you can strike something off. Lists and schedules will help you stay on top of things, especially if you're used to the more structured workflow of the office.


Set a routine
Create a workspace
Set boundaries
Take breaks
Keep to-do lists