When you're new to the jobs market and have little experience, it can be hard to get a foot in the door. Having the right soft skills can appeal to potential employers and help secure your first job.
When you're fresh out of university, you probably have little experience of the industry you want to work in beyond book learning. But don't be worried by that. Employers understand that you're not going to be the most experienced candidate, but when they want to inject young blood into their team, they value your soft skills every bit as much as your qualifications.
Soft skills relate to how you work and who you are. They're often something which comes naturally to you, but you can also develop and polish them in order to stand out.
The first skill employers like to see in a graduate is communication. You've semi-proved that one by earning a degree. Whatever subject you studied, most courses are going to involve writing essays, giving presentations, discussions in tutorial groups. Strong communication skills are about knowing when to talk and when to listen. You can improve them by practising interview questions, or by taking every chance you get to speak in public.
Secondly, teamwork. Collaboration is so important in the workplace, employers want to see you can get on with other people and can work towards a mutual goal. Companies don't grow when people take an 'every man for himself' attitude. They want a candidate who can share the burden and the credit by working in a team.
The third skill you need is problem-solving. Employers want you to bring them answers, not questions, so an ability to think quickly and adapt is critical. It's not an easy skill to develop, so try and throw yourself into situations you're not used to, situations which make you think on your feet.
Fourthly, time management. Time is a precious commodity in the world of work and you need to prove you can use it wisely. Juggling priorities is something you've probably already had to do at university, so include examples on your CV. Employers need to know you can arrive on time, handle deadlines and cope with multiple projects.
Finally, self-awareness. Office politics are often difficult to navigate, employers want to know you are aware of your own behaviour and have perspective on how you come across to others. They like to see individuals who have empathy, aren't arrogant and don't hog the limelight.
Brush up on these five soft skills and the lack of experience needn't be a barrier to securing that first job.
Time management