If you're fairly new to job hunting, you might not be entirely sure how to lay out your CV. There are five key things you need to include to catch a recruiter's attention.
Your CV is your sales pitch to recruiters. Recruiters use CVs to filter out unsuitable applicants in the very early stages, so if you want to make it through to the interviews, be sure to include these five things.
A professional profile. This is a chance to explain what motivates you, what you are looking for from your career and why you want this job. Make sure you tailor it to each role you apply for, because there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to job applications.
Your core skills. Each job ad has a list of requirements, and you need to address them. Pick out the skills you have which are most relevant and most likely to catch their eye. Also try to bounce back the phrases the recruiters have used in the ad, to show them you've read it in detail and fit the bill.
Examples of those skills. This is a case of 'show, don't tell'. You can brag about your sales skills all you like, but unless you can show evidence that you're a top salesperson, then nobody is going to buy it.
Employment history. However minor the role, include it, even if it was an internship rather than a fully-paid position. Recruiters are quickly turned off by gaps in employment, so even if you only stuck it out for six months, it's still worth including.
Up-to-date contact details. It sounds so basic, but you'd be amazed how many candidates submit a CV with an out of date mobile number or a mistyped email address. Always, always, check it over. You can be the best candidate going, but if they can't contact you, they will quickly lose interest and you'll miss out.
Make sure you include these five things if you want to fend off the competition and really stand out on paper. These are must-haves on any CV and the best way to grab recruiters' attention.
A professional profile
Core skills
Employment history
Up-to-date contact details