These days, networking alone is not enough. If you want to get on in the world of business then you need to become a 'super connector', with hundreds of meaningful relationships around the world.
Networking is one of the most important elements of business, because it means building up your contact list and forging those useful relationships which will benefit you and your organisation. But networking can always be kicked up a notch. If you want to make real progress in your career, you need to become a super connector.
Super connectors are people who know and are known by everyone. Super connectors have friends in high places and contacts all over the globe. They have taken networking to the next level. Remember the old saying, 'it's not what you know, it's who you know'? It's one hundred percent true. If you want to climb to the top, then standard networking efforts are no longer enough.
So how do you do it? Super connectors anticipate people, they know what they want even before their contact does. It's all about predicting where the conversation will go – that creates that instant connection, whilst boosting your own value in their eyes.
Super connectors also take down more details than just a name and email address. Super connectors take notes after their meetings, they jot down what made the other person tick, what they clicked over. This makes it easier to reconnect at a second encounter.
To be a super connector you also need to make time for people. However many contacts you have, wherever they are on the planet, you need to give them the time they need to build that bond of trust. Now the world is more connected because of digital transformations, becoming a super connector has become easier than ever.
Anticipate people's needs
Make notes on your contacts
Be generous with your time