
Is Your Smartphone Your Friend or Enemy?

Smartphones are a brilliant way of staying connected, but at what point do they start becoming a problem? If you're constantly hooked up to work at weekends and evening, do you need a detox?

We're all more hooked up and connected now than we were even a handful of years ago. The vast majority of workers have a smartphone, and most will use it for work as well as play. Whether you have a dedicated work phone or use your personal phone, it can be hard to tell at what point that phone goes from being a friend to an enemy.

We're all guilty of compulsively checking them. We've become attuned to listening out for the slightest vibration or ping, and immediately reach for the smartphone to check what's new. When it comes to work, that can quickly become an unhealthy and toxic relationship. If you find yourself checking emails or responding to WhatsApp messages late at night or at the weekend, that's not a good thing.

Yes, you don't want to let anyone down. At the same time, many of us are over-sensitive when it comes to working practices and feel compelled to do everything here and now. No email is so urgent that you need to answer at midnight, and no employer should ever expect that from you. Any boss who does is – frankly – not worth your time.

You shouldn't feel you'll be judged for not responding when the smartphone pings. Your evenings and weekends are your time. Smartphones are a wonderful invention, but they shouldn't become a burden. You need time away from the screen to take care of your own mental health and enjoy your down-time. Make sure you switch off, relax, and don't let your smartphone become the enemy.


You can have a toxic relationship with your phone
Work should not trouble you in your free time
You shouldn't feel judged for not responding immediately