
Why Physical Marketing Still Matters in the Digital Age

We are constantly told we live in a 'digital age', but physical marketing materials still have a place. From glossy brochures to branded tote bags, never underestimate the power of real-world marketing.

Yes, much of our lives has 'gone digital' over the past couple of decades, but that doesn't mean that physical marketing no longer has a place. People still value stuff, something they can hold in their hands. Whether it's a leaflet through the door, a glossy catalogue, a tote bag or a free pen, physical marketing materials are still valued.

When it comes to promoting your brand, digital advertising can only go so far. People have short attention spans and many will simply scroll past online ads without really taking them in. Physical marketing is far harder to ignore.

There are all sorts of physical marketing tools you can deploy – leaflets, booklets, catalogues, freebies, billboards – the list is endless. What really matters is that it gets your name out there and into people's consciousness. Even a piece of paper which ultimately ends up in the recycling spends more time in someone's hands than a scrolled-past ad, and at least some of those people will take an interest.

People respond to the physical, to something they can sense in more than one way. It's a fundamental part of human nature. The main thing to remember is that any physical marketing you put out there has to reflect your brand, from the logo and colour scheme down to the message it conveys in any text and images.

Digital may be easier to distribute, but it doesn't always do the job as well as the physical. In order to run a stronger marketing campaign, never fall into the trap of thinking physical marketing is old-fashioned and irrelevant.


People still value 'stuff'
Digital advertising has its limits
There are all sorts of physical marketing to consider
It's hard for people to ignore
Make sure physical marketing reflects your brand