
How to Develop Confidence Early on in Your Career

Finding the confidence simply to get out of bed and face the challenges of the day can be hard when you're young.

Self-confidence doesn't come naturally to everyone. Some people just exude confidence, while others have to work a bit harder to find and develop it over time. When you're young and relatively inexperienced in the world of work, gaining that confidence can feel difficult, but it's a skill you can learn like any other.

Early in your career, simply finding the confidence to get out of bed and face the day sometimes feels like a struggle. You're low on the career ladder, you might find dealing with colleagues and a new workplace intimidating, you may worry you're not up to the job. You're not alone. Even the most successful people have felt like that, and even those who come across as self-confident have moments of doubt.

Confidence is partly about gaining the necessary experience, and that takes time. It's also partly about training your mind to think more positively about yourself, your potential and who you can become. There are certain tricks you can use to boost your confidence. Each morning, look at yourself in the mirror and run a little pep talk through your mind before you head out the door.

Push yourself out of your comfort zone during the times you are feeling brave, because it strengthens you at the times you feel less confident. Don't like speaking in front of people? Put up your hand at that meeting. It's those small acts. Do them little and often, and you'll find they get easier with time.

Self-doubt is natural and you will overcome it. Be patient with yourself and your confidence will grow.


Some people are naturally more outgoing than others
Everyone has moments of self-doubt
Confidence comes from experience and brain training
Stray out of your comfort zone now and then
Be patient with yourself