
Resolving a Conflict Within a Team

When a group of people are working together, personalities and opinions are bound to clash at some point. Here's how to recognise and resolve the conflict amicably.

Disagreements and misunderstandings can crop up in any team. It's easier to deal with them if you spot the problem early before it grows into something more serious. Signs of conflict could be one member appearing isolated from others, confusion over responsibility, a slowing down of progress or comments showing resentment to other team members.

When any of these signs appear, address the issue right away to keep it from escalating. Ask the people who seem to be involved with the problem about it directly, privately, to get an idea of their own perspectives on it. Then you can find out if it's a true conflict or a misunderstanding and the team members are not put into a confrontational situation immediately.

If there is a conflict among the team members, set up a meeting and mediate it, giving everyone a chance to share their views and suggestions. Set ground rules to begin with, for example, no interruptions, no personal attacks. It's important that everyone agrees to show respect for others. This lays the foundation for a productive discussion of issues and dividing responsibilities.

It's important not to take sides in the discussion as you may be seen to be showing favouritism and cause even more resentment. Clearing up misunderstandings of responsibility or ensuring that everyone on the team is doing their fair share may be easier to resolve than interpersonal difficulties. In the case of a severe personality conflict, tasks could perhaps be rearranged to provide distance between the individuals. At the end of the meeting, make sure there's a mutual understanding of the next steps for working together more effectively.


Recognise signs of conflict early on
Address the conflict right away
Develop some ground rules for dealing with it
Don't take sides or show favouritism