
Why Brand Storytelling is Crucial for Success

Storytelling is a part of human evolution – from cave painting to the internet - here's why telling a story is a critical part of your marketing plan.

To build a brand identity, emphasizing a story for your business will bring many benefits, marketing-wise. Presently, human touch has been scarcer; thus, companies cannot afford to be faceless entities. They need to share their stories, why the brand existed, and why it matters to the audiences – they need to pull the audience's heartstrings. That's where brand storytelling shines.

First of all, stories grab the attention of the audience better than an advertisement. People are usually looking for ways to avoid the amount of marketing in their lives. As a business, you need marketing to spread the words around. Storytelling is one way to market your business, but with a more exciting twist. For instance, you can tell a story to your audience on how you change someone's life with your product.

Stories not only build interest, but it can also boost purchases. Buyers will naturally compare their options in the market; however, they will not always go for a superior product. Commonly, buyers will purchase a product based on their gut feeling or emotional connection to the said product.

Your story will also set you apart from other competitors. Your brand storytelling will only be unique to your company, though you may share some common traits with your competitors.

Meanwhile, being a part of a story is enticing for the buyers. When your brand has a solid story, people will not only be buying your products or services, but they want to be a part of the brand. For instance, Nike is the perfect example of a famous lifestyle brand for its #justdoit culture. As such, your brand story should provide meaning to your buyers.

In conclusion, your story will reflect your brand's truth. Therefore, you have to set the foundations for your brand: namely your company's history, founder, and preferred customer. Your audience will only feel connected to your brand through storytelling – and that is the key to a successful business.


Stories grab attention better than advertisements
Storytelling boost purchases because of the buyer's emotional connection to the product
Brand storytelling will set you apart from other competitors
A story is enticing to the buyers