Business meals are business meetings but with food. They're a great place to get to know your clients, colleagues, and bosses. What should you keep in mind?
The easiest way to set a good impression is to dress correctly. You can never go wrong with dressing formally for this occasion. A well presented and appropriate attire is a great way to kick things off.
When greeting anyone at a business meal, treat everyone equally, regardless of their job title. Have the courtesy to stand up and shake their hands while smiling. It is not only professional but also basic manners.
It is also crucial to treat all restaurant staff members politely and with respect. It's easy to react when there is bad food, or drinks are spilled on you, but remember to control your emotions. Some other things to keep in mind: wait for everyone to get their meal before eating, don't gulp your food down, avoid using your phone at the table, and always thank the host for the meal.
Business meals usually come with an agenda. Let the host start off the business talk and you can follow suit. Have your data ready, this way if he/she were to ask you questions, you'd have the answers prepared.
Usually, the host pays the bill. Sometimes as a sign of gratitude the guest pays the bill. Don't argue about who is paying the bill. If as a guest you offer to pay and the host declines, leave it at that and let them pay. Make sure to thank them for the meal.
These few manners may seem small, but they do have a great impact on how you're perceived. Always remember, there are reasons as to why these things exist in the first place.
Dress appropriately
Greet everyone
Practice proper table manners
Let the host initiate business talk
The host usually pays