There's more to being professional than just dressing the part. The original meaning of the word states that it “focuses on integrity, trustworthiness, and doing good work above monetary gain”. So what can you do to be a great professional?
Professionals keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date at every stage in their careers. Their competency allows them to deliver high quality work that exceeds all expectations.
Professionals are also reliable and accountable. Any commitment made is honoured and they can be relied on to always deliver what they promise. As unavoidable as mistakes are, professionals don't deny it, they acknowledge and accept that they messed up.
You can't have reliability and accountability without honesty and integrity, the other attributes of a professional. At any given moment you'll find them doing the right thing even if others try and nudge them the other way. They're firm in their values.
You'll rarely find a professional losing their temper or throwing a tantrum. They're level-headed people who are always ready to help others overcome any issues. This is linked to having good emotional intelligence – considering the emotions and needs of others.
All employers nowadays expect employees to be flexible and adapt to any changes that come their way. Professionals are often masters at it. They're able to manoeuvre around pretty much anything that is thrown at them.
Professionalism takes time to develop. Every day you get to put into practise what you know. These traits are key in helping you progress in your career development and career ladder.
Being reliable and accountable
Holding firm on your values
Good emotional intelligence
Flexibility and adaptability