Almost every team you've been in has had a brainstorming session. It is an effective way to generate ideas.
Brainstorming sessions bring together many different viewpoints of all the team members involved. You'll be able to come up with ideas that are at times unheard of, but effective never the less. Generating great ideas allows for a better workflow that is meticulously planned out and eventually executed.
Another great reason to conduct brainstorming sessions is that it makes way for critical thinking. Team members are inspired to be innovative in how they generate ideas, focusing on how to solve the problem and reach their desired end goals.
Closely linked is the team's need to be creative. Working alone can cause your creative juices to run dry but in a brainstorming session not only gets the creative juices flowing but also helps in refining and shaping a proper solution to reach your goals.
It goes without saying, brainstorming helps build a stronger team. This is because it's usually a collective assumption that when you brainstorm the responsibility of the project does not fall on one person but the whole team. It allows you to get to know your co-workers better – learning things that you might not otherwise have learnt. And with all great teams, come great quality work.
The next time there is a brainstorming session, don't let out an exaspareted sigh, instead realise this as a great way to get to know your colleagues better and an amazing way produce great work.
Insights to many different points of view
Encourages critical and innovative thinking
Increases creativity
Builds stronger team