
Is it Time to go Freelance?

You might enjoy the work you do, but do you enjoy working for other people? If not, then this might be the time to go freelance.

You might love the work, but do you love working for other people? Going freelance allows you to do the job you enjoy on your own terms, and that can be an incredibly liberating experience. No more 9-5, nobody to answer to but yourself and your clients - and no office politics! Before you decide this is the right path for you, you should weigh things up and decide if it's the right time.

You may really enjoy your job, and not everyone goes freelance because they dislike the company or people they work for. You can be perfectly happy in your role and still want the freedom of being your own boss. There are downsides to freelancing though, and you need to consider them before you decide to fly solo.

For starters, there's financial stability with a full-time job – not just the monthly pay-cheque but the sick pay, annual leave and pension contributions. Fall ill as a freelancer and nobody pays you, take a holiday and that's potential work you miss out on. If you don't have the client base in the beginning, it could be a struggle to pay the bills as you build up your new career.

Providing you have the financial safety net of savings and know there is demand for your work, then nothing is really holding you back. Stuck in a rut, commuting, lack of promotions, desire to start a family – whatever your reasons for wanting to be your own boss, if you feel secure and confident enough to do it, then now might be the perfect time.


You can enjoy your job but still want a change
Think about the stability you might miss
Ensure you're financially secure enough to take the leap
If you know you'll be in demand, go for it