
Should You Ever Post About Work on Social Media?

Posting comments about work on social media can backfire catastrophically. Here's why it should never be done.

Do you know the phrase 'If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all'? There's truth to it. Social media has made it very easy to slip up on a public platform, which is why you should think twice before you post anything relating to your job. Sometimes even the most light-hearted comments can backfire, so you should always self-censor when it comes to talking about work online.

For starters, you never know who is watching. While you might not be 'friends' with your boss and colleagues or followed by them, they might still drop in from time to time. How confident are you about your privacy settings and how much other people might actually be able to see? And if you are friends with one or two people, how can you be sure they won't feed it back to your manager if you do post something inappropriate?

Mentioning workplace dramas, how much you don't get on with your boss or colleague, accidentally disclosing something company confidential – those are all major no-nos on social media. Even a 'funny' joke about someone in the office could get out and cause all sorts of awkwardness and workplace hostility.

If something ends up online and your employers aren't happy about it, you could seriously harm your career prospects. If you damage the company's reputation in some way, then it's not only a sackable offence, it could be a tribunal or court action for libel.

Make a rule – never post about your job online, because a throwaway comment could cost you that job.


Even light-hearted comments can be taken in the wrong way
You never know who is watching
Other people might feed back to your manager
A joke might not be so well-received