
Appropriate Topics for Office Conversation

To develop a friendly rapport with your colleagues, you'll want to make some small talk, but which topics are engaging and which are off limits?

While you want to be friendly, it's important to stay professional and not get too personal. Never talk about sex, whether your own sex life or anyone else's. This is certain to make people uncomfortable and may even lead to a report to HR. Talk of any romantic relationships—your latest blind date, a break-up, or speculation about who your colleagues should get together with—should also be avoided. Anything related to the body is too personal. No one wants to hear about your constipation or weird rash! Don't mention anyone's weight loss unless they bring it up first.

Another taboo is religion and politics. Religion is a personal matter, so don't discuss your own views on spirituality or try to convert anyone. You should also be respectful of your colleagues' differing views, but feel free to change the subject or avoid the topic if they bring it up. Politics can be quite divisive, so it's also wise to avoid voicing your opinion on this. If current events come up in conversation, aim to stay neutral.

Popular culture is generally a safe and engaging topic for workplace conversation. Music, the latest blockbuster movie, a favourite television show or sports events can be opportunities to find things that you have in common. Don't go on and on about one show or sports team you're obsessed with if others are uninterested, though.

Another way to get to know your colleagues is to ask about their hobbies and what they enjoy doing on the weekends. If you and your colleague both have children, family activities may be a subject of mutual interest. Perhaps you and your colleagues both enjoy playing a certain sport or watching live music. Find things that you have in common and keep the conversation light.


Don't talk about sex, romance or anything related to the body
Stay away from religion and politics
Discuss popular culture
Ask about hobbies and weekend/holiday plans